What is a ronka poem?

The ronka poem is an invented form. At the close of 2013, I decided to start a daily poetry practice for 2014. One poem each day.

I considered existing short forms because I knew I would need the discipline of form, and I didn’t want to be overly ambitious and court failure. A sonnet or villanelle each day? Doomed.

I considered haiku, tanka, sedoka and others but finally decided to invent my own form.

The ronka is composed of 5 lines, each having 7 words without concern for syllables.  No rhyme. An observation of the day, either inside, outside or internal.

Inspirations: The early morning writing practice of William Stafford.

During 2014, I succeeded in writing a ronka each day. The daily practice ended, but I continue to write ronkas on a pretty steady weekly basis.

There are a few others who have tried the ronka.  If you try it yourself, post the result as a comment here.

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