The Fall To-Do List

Plant bulbs and hope you’ll see spring.
Watch celestial showers – Draconids, Orionids, Taurids, Leonids.
Observe wildlife change habits as the trees
change colors. Practice being an evergreen.
Feel the equinox and balance straight up.

Photo by Artem Saranin on

I do make many (too many) lists of things to do. I have written about this addiction. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it hurts. I even have seasonal lists of things I need to do in the garden or around the house. A season changes and I change the filters in my furnace and air-conditioning system. Frost comes and I dig up the dead and dying annuals, rake leaves, and add them to the compost.

A group emailed me a list of things to do in autumn. It has lots of the usual things: leaf peeping, apple picking, making and eating fall comfort foods, carving pumpkins, and jumping in leaf piles. But some things on my fall list don’t appear there.

How the Earth’s tilt creates the seasons

Goose Summer

These mild, like summer, autumn days float 
with gossamer clouds and filmy spider webs 
moving slightly in the breeze and geese 
wedging to the lake overhead as I 
take off my goose-down vest and rest. 


“Goose Summer” is a Middle English term for this kind of late summer weather. See my etymological explanation at…indian-summer-gossamer-and-goose-summer